Babovka à la montagnarde
Petite recette d’une adaptation personnelle d’une recette de babovka (autrement appelée kouglof en Alsace, et sans doute encore différemment ailleurs)....

Update to my research page
Following the recent update of my personal website, I’m continuing the path to more modern pages, upgrading Bootstrap from v3...
An extensive inventory of tools used during my PhD thesis
This is the kind of list or resources I would have liked to have at the beginning of my thesis,...

Puzzle 1000 pièces « Kaamelott »
Et c’est le retour des puzzles de l’enfer, j’ai nommé le puzzle 1000 pièces inspiré du film Kaamelott, Premier Volet...

My personal website, version 3.0
As I’m slowly going to the end of my research assistant position, it is time to update all my websites,...

GameDev.tv Game Jam 2024
Just after GDevelop game jam finished, a new one started, from online course publisher GameDev.tv, and as the name of...